Scientific collaborator / Lecturer

EPFL, Switzerland

MA B3 445 (Bâtiment MA)
Station 8
CH-1015 Lausanne

Tel. +41 21 693 5521

email: anna dot lachowska at epfl dot ch

I work in representation theory with a particular focus on quantum groups at roots of unity.

Publications: Representation theory
Accessible mathematics
Recent invited talks: From Representation Theory to Mathematical Physics and Back (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, NY, USA, 2022)
Algebra and Number theory seminar (Münster University, 2021)
Geometry and Quantization Seminar (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, Paris, 2019)
Models in Quantum Field Theory (Dedicated to A.N. Vasiliev) (St.Petersburg, September 2018)
Conformal field theory and categorical structures, beyond rationality (Utrecht, April 2018)
Current teaching: Analyse I, Section IN/SC and Analyse II, Section IN/SC (2022-2023)
Algebra, Section IN/SC (2022-2023)
Coxeter Groups (2021-2022)
Past teaching: Reflection Groups (Spring 2015)
Introduction to Representation Theory (Fall 2014)
Mathematics in the Real World (Fall 2013)
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